Family & Friends

"Cherish your human conections"


Mom & Dad: Jane & Steve Chard

My parents have been married for thirty-three years. They met at a Cardinals baseball game when my mom was 16 and the rest is history!

My parents are two of the greatest people I have ever known. They have taught me to respect others, be hard working and enjoy life to its fullest.

Sister: Lauren

My sister is without-a-doubt my best friend. I look up to her in so many ways. She is currently a social worker at Lee Elementary School and she loves it. She is truly one of the kindest people that I know.

I would be lost without my family. They are my rock and I am so blessed.


I have been extremely blessed to have had many of the same friends that I have always had. Many of my friends I have known since elementary school and they are like a second family to me.